
Practice Opportunities

Please note that our practice offerings are now available through Zoom video conferencing. If you would like to join us for regular Wednesday night zazen or weekly Sunday Sit’n’Study, please sign up on our Friends of the Sangha list for email updates on the schedule, current study materials, and links to Zoom meetings.

1.   Morning Zazen – Mondays and Fridays
7:05am – Zoom room open
7:10am – to be seated on cushions
7:15am – Robe Chant followed by the bell ringing 3 times
7:45am – End of sitting

2.   Wednesday evening zazen: Almost every week of the year we practice traditional Zen sitting and walking meditation, hold a brief session of chanting, and offer a dharma talk by our teacher or a dharma discussion led by a sangha member.

We meet in person at All Saints by the Sea, 110 Park Dr. Salt Spring Island, BC. We ask that you arrive and be on your cushion by 7:00 p.m. For in-person sitting, masks are optional. We do not require proof of vaccination to attend.

3.   Sunday study session: Each Sunday at 8:55AM we meet via Zoom video conferencing to study a dharma text. Our discussions are led by students and often centre on traditional Zen texts, making for a rich and exciting discussion. Visit the Study page to view the week’s study selection.

Note: Please sign up as a Friend of Salt Spring Zen Circle to receive notification of future sesshins or retreats.  You may unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time.

Space for participants is limited, so please inquire early.

For further information about any of the above, please contact us. Thank you.

Contact Us

Salt Spring Zen Circle
PO Box 235
Salt Spring Island, BC
V8K 2V9
(250) 537-2062