Recorded Talks

If the teaching you’ve selected is on the quiet side, you may like to use ear buds or head phones.


Active Participation in Loss

Audio Player


Awareness Practice of O Sa Ki Ni

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Affecting Our Environment

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Ball Rolling Across an Empty Ground

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Being Where We Actually Are

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Blame, Hidden Agendas, and Gratitude

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Chilean Miners and Women Ancestors

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Desires, No Preference and Wholeness

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Discussion with Sangha: Seeing Ourselves Without Judging

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Feelings are Gateways to the Real

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Finding Perfect Existence Within Imperfect Existence

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Going All the Way

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Hard Working Hippies

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Kido: An Experiment in Speed Walking, Chanting and Surrender

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Murders in Norway

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No Gap

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Tozan’s Poem and Reflective Samadhi

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Way-seeking Mind

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What’s the Most Important Thing?

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Informal Talks on Dogen’s Teachings in Shobo Genzo

Manifestation of Great Prajna Talk 1

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Manifestation of Great Prajna Talk 2

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Manifestation of Great Prajna Talk 3

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Manifestation of Great Prajna Talk 4

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Utmost Sincerity and a Trusting Heart

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Utmost Sincerity and a Trusting Heart Talk 2: Letting Go

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Wisdom, Compassion and Arousing Way-seeking Mind

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Talk at San Francisco Zen Center Celebrating the Publication of Dogen’s Shobo Genzo

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2019 Autumn Study Retreat

A Kind Heart: October 27, 2019

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2019 Spring Sesshin

Talk 1. Inmost Request: April 5, 2019

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Talk 2. The Freeing Tether April 6, 2019

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2018 Autumn Study Retreat

Talk 1. Introduction to Genjo Koan / Actualizing the Fundamental Point

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Talk 2. Sincere Being and Actualization

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Talk 3. Ignorance Means the Mind Moves3

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2018 Spring Sesshin

Talk 1: Can We Stop Violence Non-Violently?

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Talk 2: Action No-action

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2017 Autumn Study Retreat

Talk 1: Silent Concentration of Mind

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Talk 2: Continuous Practice

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Talk 3: Zen Householders

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2017 Spring Sesshin

Talk 1: Three Poisons – Greed

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Talk 2: Three Poisons – Hatred or Il Will

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Talk 3: Three Poisons – Ignorance

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Compassion and Atisha’s Mind Training Slogans – Part 1

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Compassion and Atisha’s Mind Training Slogans – Part 2

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Inside The Cocoon

Audio Player



Contact Us

Salt Spring Zen Circle
PO Box 235
Salt Spring Island, BC
V8K 2V9
(250) 537-2062